
"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective, but there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor --Stephen Chbosky"

Looking through the world is like watching
 a Free cable T.V. with Action, Drama, Sitcom and Romance.
"Have you ever been around to redeem a sight of a withered soul?"Love it really changes you, A person  could get so messed up that they could think about taking a pill and leaving this insane, cold and cruel world. Of course, It wouldn't be the solution. Which of course is easy to say. It is easier said and done because the people who hasn't felt the break are more optimistic. "People who are not depressed see the world they want to see it. People who are depressed see the world the way it is."

A lot could say and judge that i don't know much. I admit that i'm still young and naive but who has that kind of wisdom right?, We all try to be the wiser one to those in need of it. Because at that very moment we see hope in our lives and we try to revive the helpless soul from their very eyes. 

Depressionepisodes of all-encompassing low mood accompanied by low self-esteem and loss of interest or pleasure in normally enjoyable activities. The term "depression" is ambiguous. A paralyzing state often used to denote this syndrome but may refer to other mood disorders or to lower mood states lacking clinical significance. Major depressive disorder is a disabling condition that affects a person's family, work or school life, sleeping and eating habits, and general health. It literally sucks the life out of you, It is an inevitable case that everyone has felt. The good thing though is that we could try avoid it, if you are tough enough to not feel or you should have wished your heart is made of stone.

"I was never insane, except upon 
occasions when my heart was touched.--
Edgar Allan Poe"
I've seen someone who has been through so much hurt that he's drinking his life away. It is both sad and depressing to see a result of hopelessness. The Belonging he longed and wished for never got to him. The worst part he doesn't believe in Trust, Hope and especially God anymore. I've told him once, "It is good to hold on to someone when everything is in oblivion, It is not bad to call Him.". But, he never wanted to try. He said that maybe he'll find his Angel someday that could retrieve him from his blackhole. I totally disagree with this guy. The thing is we have to redeem ourselves we can't be a "Damsel in Distress" all-the-time and think that there is someone out there that could mend those damages. "We have to be our own Saviour."

Some people needs love so much that they try to love again after being broken hoping they could find "The One" who could be their equal. But they end up being hurt again because of the so-called "Relationship Baggage", Resulting to more pain and suffering to the bearers. 

"Without Pain how could we know Joy.
 --The fault in the stars, John Green"
Love? so deep and meaningful yet so cruel and empty. But really, it's all just psychology. It's just hormones kicking in and messing with you. Think about it, Love? it's just this Stupid, Irrational, Insanity-driven, Screwed-up emotion. Things happen because it is meant to be that way and we have to accept because this is a world with no game console to control it with. All we could do is Pray to God and hope for a better Morning.

"Trust me, I am your personal Emotional SPONGE."

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