Roses on a Paved Street

Living in a busy city is not much of tough life. Some grow up to be a tough cookie, Some grow up, leaves and live in another city or country. I myself was forced to leave my hometown "Manila", My parents wanted me to live in another city because they believe that Manila was too crowded, too chaotic and no place for a business. After graduation i left Manila, but my heart will always belong to that place.

Have you ever felt that you are destined to grow old in a particular place? Mine was Manila. Manila is not so perfect but that's what i love about it. Perfectly Imperfect, One has to have wits to survive. It is where history of my country took form, The Capital, Bustling commerce and some of the most historically and culturally significant iconic landmarks in the country. Manila is also home to many scientific and educational institutions, numerous sport facilities, and other culturally and historically significant venues. The place where i was born. 

This is the place where you could get a lot of inspiration, There are a lot of stories to tell, A face of culture. Significant to the whole world, She may not be a help to Science or a Beautiful sandy beach. but, she had experience, bigger than knowledge and that is her beauty.

I've seen how unfortunate people live off the streets, Some beg for scraps and change and Some are driven off to crime. Life is Hard that is Reality. That motivated me to strive for a better life. I learned from its mistakes and celebrated what a wonderful place it is. 

As of now, i visit Manila and wander off to my favorite places,Visit my friends and relatives. Everything about it was a big influence to me, how i act, think, speak and haggle. I remember running around there when i was a kid with a dirty "Madungis" face. Going to Manila Zoo with my Lolo and Cheered with the Noisiest New Year's Eve.

Manila is not a place for everyone, but you can definitely learn from it, It just takes some getting used to. I will always Love Manila good or bad. It is my Home. 

I went to Manila for an important arrangements which i failed to accomplish that day. So, i just rome and enjoyed the visit.
Top: Black Long Sleeves
Bottom: Rose Pattern Leggings; Thrift Shop
Bag: Studded Bag; Divisoria
Shoes: Red Flats

Everyone need a sanctuary, someplace where they can stop, breathe and realize who they are and how good life is.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 9, 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

8 Responses to “Roses on a Paved Street”

  1. I really love your outfit! Now following you, would love it if you could check out my blog too. Naomi xx

  2. I'm glad you found me,your blog is so cute (:

  3. Cute blog darlin and look!
    I'm your 15 follower here and 32 on Lookbook, if you like mine too I'm waiting for you :)


  4. These are some really nice pictures! Oh and the outfit is cool, simple but classy, love it! Your blog is very interesting, keep it up! And please check out my new post :)

    1. Oh thank you Isabella...Thank you for checking this out it's an honor :))

  5. Nice photos and really cool outfit, you look great, I like your pants, what a great print and that shirt is so nice, the perfect touch to the outfit also you are really beautiful and your bag rocks! Your have a lovely blog by the way and I am a new follower! Hope you will like my blog and follow back!

    Pop Culture&Fashion Magic

  6. Hi dear!

    Love so much you're blog, follow u :)

    My name in GFC is: sexy_paige_cucu.
    Hope u follow back!

    Lot of kisses.
