Breakfast At Tiffany's

Lately, I’ve been into 50’s and Era-descent movies. I don’t know maybe it’s because of their glamour, the art in it, the beauty, the witty lines it is just so refreshing for me to watch a movie that is before me. I saw Breakfast at Tiffany’s recently well i could say it was Glamorous and witty. Expected in a 50’s Hollywood movie. I liked it very much the way that they were not opposites. The main characters were more of friendship turned into well, LOVE. The movie was witty and funny but missing on some more romance maybe a little cause i’m used to “opposite attract” (hey i’m a 90’s baby so give me a break :p). The characters was really great well especially Holly Golightly, but the movie was focused on her being more of chasing rich old men and getting on their pocket. She has priorities and the number 1 on her list is her brother. She gets paid by socializing with rich men which is like a Geisha, dependent on her looks she gets gifts and stunning diamond earrings which is sooo loved.
Holly’s “Wild Thing” persona gave the movie the humor. Free-spirited but alone and longing for her brother. The movie was a light romance and comedy and it looks at the point of being “a real phony in the upper east side”.
I really liked the movie but i’d love it if it was in the right mix of romance and humour. But, all in all the movie was great. The movie was Quick-Witted, funny and Glamorous. I found myself wanting Holly’s wardrobe, eating pastry in the morning and going to a Tiffany store :)

This entry was posted on Monday, September 3, 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

2 Responses to “Breakfast At Tiffany's”

  1. hey you! love the blog! so this is what you have been doing huh? :) sooo, post-related, i also love this movie. especially the end part when they were looking for the cat. hahah. Holly's such a bitch but you can't help but adore her bright personality!

  2. Yes!, that's what i've been doing hahaha thank you! appreciate it especially it came from you!. Trying to revive the artsy fartsy in me. OMG! breakfast at tiffany's...i love the scenes where she's being bitchy..Witty movie that's what i love with old flicks more like 50's.
