D.I.Y. Mint Blue Dyed Jeans

I have always wanted a Mint blue jeans in my closet of treasures. Unluckily, I've searched high and low for the elusive pair of jeans. I stumbled upon some videos about jeans, It had a lot acid-washing, tie-dyeing, distressed look and dyeing with a pastel hue. I've been dying to dye my white jeans, i had one, never worn it, not once in years.

So, I decided to make one of my own. I really do apologize if i'm unable to show the pictures how the whole process goes because what happened to me was almost a disaster.
When i did it, I put in some salt to the hot water so that the color will stick forever, that means if you screw up the horror that you did with your beloved piece will be trash. While, i was busy steeping, dissolving and stirring the mint blue dye on a bucket, I forgot to remember that i should have not folded the denim in the bucket. I had cold sweats because the color were in horrible blue patches. I honestly didn't know what to do, i was worried sick, i thought i'd lose my only white pair of jeans. I was really thinking hard on how to solve this, i considered washing it with bleach *because i did that with my other denim acid-wash remember?* so that the color will be washed-out. But, i was persistent on keeping what i did and polish it maybe hoping it could be better. Alas, SuperMom was there!. She saved my horrible piece of crap and turned it into a Mint Blue Denim. She put the denim into the washer and put it for a spin. It was saved! Hallelujah! 

Just so you know this is not only a Tutorial but a story of a quick idiocy that i don't want you guys to suffer. *haha* Which is why i didn't get to take pictures of the process. 
P.S. Moms know a lot more about D.I.Y.'s than you think.

What to do:

  1. Fill a bucket with hot water and your dye, according to the instructions on the dye. 
  2. Run your jeans under hot water.  
  3. Put on your rubber gloves *dyes are harsh to skin* Put the jeans into the bucket full of Mint Blue dye. Stir them with a wooden spoon/stick. For a light dye job, stir for 10 minutes; for a dark dye job, stir for up to 30 minutes. For best color results when dyeing fabrics containing cotton, rayon, ramie, or linen, add 1 cup salt to the bucket.
  4. Take the jeans out of the bucket and rinse them with warm water. Lower the water temperature as your rinse, until the water runs clear. 
  5. Wash the jeans in the washing machine with a mild detergent.
  6. Let your jeans air dry. 

This entry was posted on Monday, September 24, 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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