
 Everyday I pass by this tree  but never came into to me to take a picture of it even if it was a real beauty. Maybe because I was too shy to put my camera phone up and click the button…because I know people will stare and make a commotion of it. So finally I did.
I’ve always had a dream when I was a kid to play around a tall tree…frolic around the meadows..I’ve always wanted that…I grew up as a city kid. Around the bustling lights and honks of Manila. I got this idea from watching too much cartoons/anime where skies has a vivid blue…spacious place to play around. Well of course japan is a bigger country and has a lot of provinces and tons of animators…well let me go back on the tree. Ain’t it pretty? I’ve always wanted that moment where I could lay under a tree,on a bed of grass and look at the hue of the blue skies. I’ve dreamt of being quite and calm like laying on a cloud. just being a child. Not a care in the world.get away from everything and have simple things in life and tresure the things that I already have. I always have a bliss when I pass under that tree. Like getting a blissful high.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, August 14, 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

One Response to “Memoirs...”

  1. i love this post! nature is so relaxing and totally erases all worries from my mind :) i hope you get the time to appreciate nature more too, even if you do live in a busy city!!
